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【International Sales Office】
  Address:Room 2401,Tower B, Winner Plaza, No.100 Huangpudadao West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou,China

【Chinese Company Headquarters】
  Address:NO.8 Chemical Industry Park Economic Development Zone Xiantao,Hubei,China

·POSITION:AboutCompany Profile

Company Profile

HUBEI BLUESKY NEW MATERIAL INC., hereinafter referred to as BLUESKY, was founded in July, 1999 with a registered capital of 13.9 million US dollars. It's a national high-tech enterprise intergrating functional silane products into R&D, production, sales and import & export trades. The headquarters is located in Xiantao city, the central city of the west of Wuhan city circle. With the total investment of 139 million US dollars, BLUESKY built the 10,000-ton class TMS production line with direct process,  annual capacity reaches to over 100,000 tons consisting with silane cross-linking agent, coupling agent and other silanes, silane derivatives, which is one of the leading organosilicon enterprises with large-scale, complete varieties, advanced technology and comprehesive strong strength in China. 

BLUESKY has been adhering to the R&D concept of "casting innovation in soul, thriving science & technology in enterprise", deeply integrating scientific and technological innovation with enterprise development, every of our progress is intertwined with scientific and technological innovation tightly. BLUESKY has carried out inustrial, academic and research cooperation with Wuhan University, Hubei University, Tianjin University, Hangzhou Normal University, Institute of Process Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other scientific research instituts in universitites, acheived 65 core independent intellectual property rights, undertaken 8 science and technology projects above the provincial level, 1 leveled the national key industry revitalization plan, set up scientific research platforms such as Hubei Enterprise Technology Center, Hubei University-enterprise Co-development Research Center, Hubei Silane Derivatives Engineering Technology Research Center and Postdoctoral Research Workstation, a number of acheivements have reached to international advanced level, and dominated a number of standard settings for the nation and the industry.   

With excellent product quality and professional services for more than 2 decades, BLUESKY has gained a high reputation in the industry and maintained a high market share consistently. We've been awarded honorary titiles of "Invisible Champion & Little Giant of Technology in Pillar Industry Subdivided Domain of Hubei Province“,  ”New Little Giant of Professional, Refined and Specialized Enterprise of Hubei Province",  "Seed Enterprise of Listed Reserve", "Leading Enterprise of Chinese Fluorosilicon Industry", "Top 100 Manufacturer of Hubei Province", "The Famous Brand Product of Hubei Province". 

In the future, BLUESKY will take root in organosilicon industry, and strive for transforming and upgrading to electronic-grade chemicals and new energy industry, to form a developing patter of ONE BODY WITH TWO WINGS. Adhere to the developing road with science and technology, seek development and promote transformation by scientific and technological innovation, BLUESKY will forge ahead bravely on the road of development with innovation, large-scale and industrialization, to achieve high-quality development. 

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